Out of a Generous Heart, One Gives Fully: AJU’s Appreciation Visit to Holy Cross Parish Budiriro.
On Sunday 20th November 2022, on the feast of Christ the King, a delegation of Arrupeans paid a courtesy visit to Holy Cross Parish in Budiriro. The purpose of the visit was to thank and to appreciate the Parishioners of Holy Cross Budiriro for their great support during the Arrupe Cultural Festival held on 12 November at Arrupe Jesuit University.

The delegation of five was led by the president of the Students Association Mr Moolisa Tlali and it included Patron Tsaurai, Tawanda Pemhiwa, Kavishe Waweru and Kudakwashe Zinhumwe. The delegation was presented to the parishioners during the Holy Mass and the delegation extended an invitation to the parishioners to enroll at Arrupe Jesuit University as well to take the opportunity of the Arrupe Need and Performance Based Scholarship.

The parish council then invited Arrupeans to a combined Mass celebration with the Arrupe choir and band as an apostolic opportunity to inspire the youth of the Parish to participate in the liturgy. We returned home full of joy and hope of future collaborative efforts between our institution and the Parish.
By Moolisa Tlali SJ