Bachelors of Science  Honors in Social Work

Program Overview

      1. Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme a graduate will be able to:

          1. think critically to analyse, interpret, conceptualise and solve complex social work problems;

          2. use digital technologies and literacies to assess, evaluate and synthesise relevant information from multiple sources;

          3. assess client systems and their social functioning;

          4. plan and implement appropriate social work intervention strategies and techniques when working with individuals, groups and communities;

          5. plan, execute social work research and utilisation of findings to inform social work intervention;

          6. understand how social welfare policies and legislation are developed and influenced;

          7. understand roles, functions, knowledge and skills for effective social work supervision;

          8. identify the purpose, functions and principles of social work within the developmental social work paradigm;

          9. formulate project plans for funding social services;

          10. work effectively in an inter-sectoral and multi- and/or inter-disciplinary setting to deliver social services; and

          11. understand roles, functions, principles and characteristics of management and administration within social service delivery.

Career Opportunities/Matophonic Journey

Social Worker

International Social Worker


First Year

First Semester

BSSW 101

Academic Writing

BSSW 102

Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare

BSSW 103


Introduction to Sociology

BSSW 104

Introduction to Psychology

BSSW 105

Ethics and Values in Social Work

BSSW 106

ICT Application in Social Work



BSSW 107

Advocacy and Community Organisation

BSSW 108

Rights of Individuals and Communities

Second Semester

BSSW 109

Communication Skills in Social Work

BSSW 110

Social Psychology

BSSW 111

Introduction to Social Anthropology

BSSW 112

Human Behaviour and the Social Environment

BSSW 113

Youth Culture and Substance Abuse

BSSW 114

Social Work Counselling Skills



BSSW 115


BSSW 116

Justice and Oppression

Second Year

First Semester

BSSW 201

Introduction to Social Work with Individuals and Families

BSSW 202

Introduction to Social Work with Communities

BSSW 203

Introduction to Social Work with Groups

BSSW 204

Socio-Economic Development

BSSW 205

Social Welfare Policies, Legislation and Human Rights

BSSW 206

Social Work and Gender-Based Violence

BSSW 207

Ignatian Spirituality and Service Programme



BSSW 208

Community Health

BSSW 209

Rehabilitation Social Work

Second Semester

BSSW 210

Research Methods and Statistics

BSSW 211

Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families

BSSW 212

Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities

BSSW 213

Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups

BSSW 214

Trafficking in Human Persons: A Social Worker’s Role

BSSW 215

Social Work and Disability



BSSW 216

School Social Work

BSSW 217

Helping Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Third Year

First Semester
Second Semester

Forth Year

First Semester

BSSW 401

Social Policy

BSSW 402

Management and Administration of Social Welfare Organisations

BSSW 403

Integrated Fields of Social Work Practice

BSSW 404

Social Work Entrepreneurship

BSSW 405




BSSW 406

Occupational and Employee Assistance

BSSW 407

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Second Semester

BSSW 408

Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults

BSSW 409

Disaster Management



BSSW 410

International Social Work

BSSW 411

Independent living for Elderly Persons

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