

Accurate and credible information is the foundation of AFCAST’s work for peace and justice. Fact-finding is the first step in determining the root causes of a problem and its impact on individuals and society. The research is community-based, involving the people on the ground who are most affected. AFCAST works with the affected communities not only to obtain information but also to empower them to advocate for change that will benefit them.

Recent research projects linked to advocacy are listed below:

  1. The plight of small-scale miners and their families in select areas of Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe: Research was carried out in each of the three areas, followed by advocacy workshops and conferences. Meetings were held with respective mining authorities in each country in order to influence mining legislation that would benefit the informal sector. The results have been collected and published by AFCAST in a booklet entitled: Informal Mining and Family Vulnerability in Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe – Advocacy for Human Dignity and Integrity of Creation.
  2. Action against human trafficking: The AFCAST Working Group to Combat Human Trafficking in Zimbabwe is currently conducting research at border crossings with South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana to find out what measures are being taken to prevent trafficking along these routes. The Working Group is also investigating advertisements for education and work overseas as these often disguise a more sinister purpose of recruiting women for domestic work and sexual slavery. The results of the research will be shared with police and immigration officials who are meant to be protecting against such criminal networks. The research findings will also be used in meetings with Members of Parliament in order to strengthen the legislation against trafficking of persons.

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