Chiedza Vol 1 No 1 Zimbabwe, Africa, Interreligious Dialogue and Philosophy
Just what is this CHIEDZA? Is it another of those journals that you will receive and throw onto your book-shelf to gather dust forever? Many more questions along those lines wili come to your mind as you leaf through the pages of this journal. These are legitimate questions, but questions that one need not worry so much about. They will be answered in the pages of CHIEDZA . CHJEDZA is a philosophical journal from Arrupe College, the Jesuit School of Philosophy and Humanities in Harare, Zimbabwe. It is a philosophical journal with a difference, for the.simple reason that it comes from a college with a difference. The four-year program of Arrupe College integrates philosophy with humanities and theology. The introduction to the academic program of Arrupe College says exactly what we hope to achieve: We aim to give an intellectual and pastoral education in the Jesuit tradition. We focus first on developing language skills and appreciation of our shared African experience, then on developing and deepening realistic and critical reflection on this experience, and later on forming a personal synthesis. Jn this way, we strive to enable a student to acquire a capacity for self education and thus become a responsible educator throughout life. We aim to form a person who lives by authentic values, is prepared for genuine dialogue, and is available for the service of others. Such a person will be able to judge a situation reasonably, decide and act responsibly for the good of all, and educate others to do the same.
CHIEDZA aims at continuing on a wider scale the reflection mentioned in the above mission statement. It is with the same aim that the name CHIEDZA was chosen for our philosophical journal. CHIEDZA is the Shona word for light (NB. Shona is the most widely spoken language in Zimbabwe). CHIEDZ1\ intends to bring to light issues connected with the lives of the students of Arrupe College. It intends to bring light to all people reading the journal.
In our maiden issue, we begin by introducing the context in which we are set. We give a brief historical account of Zimbabwe, and the pertinent issues today such as the question of land and democracy. But we are not only a college in Zimbabwe. We are also a college in Africa. CHIEDZA therefore reflects on the African situation today. We consider the question of democratization in Africa, specifically in Burundi. An important topic needing a lot of attention in the Church today is that of dialogue, especially interreligious dialogue. This topic is especially important in Africa when we consider the growth of other religious faiths. CHIEDZA sheds light on some of the other religions of Africa. We consider especially the Islamic religion and our need to co-exist with our brothers and sisters of that faith. CHIEDZA will come to you twice a year, once in each semester of the Arrupe College. academic year. The academic year is divided into two semesters, the first beginning in mid-August and ending in mid-December, the second beginning in mid-January and ending in mid-May. You should therefore expect the next issue of CHTEDZA during the course of the next semester. So do you think CHIEDZA is just another journal that should gather dust on your book-shelf? Well, I will not answer that question for you ....
Patrick Mulemi, SJ

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Copyright © 1998 by Arrupe Jesuit University Journal - Chiedza
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Printed in the Republic of Zimbabwe
First Printing, 1998
ISBN 2225-9503
Arrupe Press
16 Link Road
Mount Pleasant, Zimbabwe