Chiedza Vol 1 No 2 Special Inaugural Issue
In August 1994, a small contingent of Jesuits arrived in Harare from all over the English-speaking provinces and regions of the Society of Jesus in Africa. This unheralded group of Jesuits became the establishment of what is today Arrupe College. Settling in what was then Arrupe House behind Saint Anne's Hospital in Avondale, Harare, the small group continued to work steadily and to wait patiently for the establishment at number 16 Link Road of Arrupe College. When in December 1995, the Jesuits bade farewell to the hospitable sisters of the Little Company of Mary at Saint Anne's Hospital, whose premises the Jesuits had used as temporary shelter, the Arrupe community had already received its second contingent and had already started showing signs of growth. As quietly as they had come, the first group to arrive went away in May 1998. Their mission had been accomplished. They, together with an excellent academic staff, ably led by Father Valerian Shirima, SJ as Rector and Father John Stacer, SJ as Dean of Studies, had ·succeeded in establishing Arrupe College: The Jesuit School of Philosophy and Humanities. The success story of the founding of Arrupe College owes a lot to those seventeen young men who had to go through the rough and tumble of being the pioneers, or guinea pigs as they affectionately called themselves. When on August 22 1998, Very Reverend Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ officially opened Arrupe College, the "founding fathers" of the college had already proceeded to their next stage of formation, regency, while some are in post-graduate studies. The establishment of Arrupe College in Harare has already proven to be a success story. ~any people are already benefiting directly and indirectly from the presence of the Jesuits at the college. Jesuit scholastics have certainly brought a new lease of life to
the Mount Pleasant Parish. The Jesuit priests at Arrupe College, apart from only teaching, from time to time undertake pastoral responsibilities· in the various parishes of the Archdiocese of Harare. The scholastics of Arrupe College are actively involved with the Christian Life Communities and with the National Move~ent of Catholic Students. With such a reputation, it is no wonder then that hundreds of friends and well-wishers flocked to Arrupe College to witness the official opening. Arrupe College can no longer remain as quiet and as unheralded as it was at its inception in August 1994. It is in recognition of this, and in honor of the pioneering group that we publish this special inauguration issue of CHIEDZA.
Patrick Mulemi, SJ

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Printed in the Republic of Zimbabwe
First Printing, 1998
ISBN 2225-9503
Arrupe Press
16 Link Road
Mount Pleasant, Zimbabwe