Executive Certificate in Peace and Conflict Management


Conflict presents an opportunity for personal change and transformation, strengthened relationships, improved communication, problem solving, collaboration, and social change. However, a lot of suffering is caused by conflict. Peace management starts from the individual out to the other. As a result, his course employs on the causes of conflict and violence and the ways to resolve, manage, and control both violent and nonviolent conflicts at all levels such as international, national, intergroup and interpersonal. The course explores on the processes through which actors have attempted to define and build peace in areas affected by war and violence. This course will critically address the conceptualization of peace and the implementation of peace building projects by global, regional, national and local actors, including the UN, the International Financial Institutions, development agencies and donors, NGOs, and local organizations in conflict-affected environments. Hence the course is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills on approaches to conflict resolution such as negotiation, mediation, and facilitation. It also analyses leadership roles in reconciliation, mediation, and conflict management. The course critically examines the link between leadership Conflict Transformation and Peace building.

  1. As the course has the urgency of awareness and advocacy on Human Trafficking it requires: .5 O’ Levels and above.
  2. Anyone who is able to read and write and desires peace among people regardless of race, colour, religion, ethnicity, tribe, gender and age.
  3. Anyone who desires peace among people peace regardless of race, colour, religion, ethnicity, tribe, gender and age and can be taught orally if not able to read and write

Everyone is responsible for making peace. Therefore, Peace and Conflict Management is meant for everyone at all levels.

  • Activist for peace keeping, peace building, mediation and negotiation in all any institutions and organisations.
  • State and part states
  • All NGOs.
  • Communities
  • Your own family

Tuition: USD 200

Application: USD 20

Enrollment: USD 20

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